Saturday, February 1, 2014

Day One. Basic Facts About Myself.

Like everyone else on God's green earth, I go through phases. Country phases, city phases, lazy phases, reading phases. I'm OK with the fact that I change my mind every 2.5 seconds about what I like or dislike, because I'm not the only one changing. People change, fashion changes, the world changes and goes through phases. Unfortunately so, I go through writing phases. There are times when I could write for hours on end, doing nothing but drinking coffee and occasionally pulling myself out of my mojo to consume chocolate. But there are times when I hate the idea of sitting down to write even the smallest of journal entrees. All of my other phases, like 'Do I think high-waisted shorts are stupid looking today, or do I think they're cool?', don't bother me too much, but my writing phase is what kills me. Saying, "I love to write!" makes me feel like a fake, because some days I could easily say, "I hate to write!". Am I all alone on this? Is it just a form of writers block? I'm not sure of the answer on either of those questions. I'm currently going through the "I hate writing" side of life, and I am trying to force myself to enjoy it. Trying to find inspiration, motivation and the brain power is an annoyance, it's uncomfortable and every second I keep thinking, "I could be watching Pretty Little Liars right now, maybe I would finally see who the REAL -A is!". But here I sit, writing a blog post. On my hunt for inspiration, I came across a picture on Pinterest (who loves Pinterest?! I do!) that said,
'30 day blog challenge!'. It looked pretty promising, and obviously it was because I made a blog.

Day One: Basic Facts About Myself. 

Okay, so what if I don't have any basic facts? I'm quite strange, so REALLY would any facts be basic? I think not. I'll give 10 "Savannah-Basic" facts.
#1. When I see a sock laying on the floor with no mate, I think it feels lonely. But I leave it laying because I'm cruel.
#2. I am home schooled, and I avoid my school work like it's the plague because I feel stupid.
#3.  I have a serious obsession with collecting books.
#4. I hate poetry. I don't understand it.
#5. Maybe #4&#3 contradict each other, but remember what I said about being strange?
#6. I LOVE fruit snacks. If I could live in a house that was made out of fruit snacks, I would be homeless.
#7. I like crying, but I hate the painful steps I take to get to the point of tears.
#8. I once watched Twilight four times in one night.
#9. Blank notebooks bring me happiness.
#10. When I eat a chicken pot pie from the frozen section in Wal*mart, I go straight for the gooey crust at the bottom.

                                                This Alpaca looks like how I feel - Accomplished.

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